2023/2024 – SYRIA – LIVELIHOODback

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Turkey and northwestern Syria in February 2023 left hundreds of thousands of people without a home, access to water, and many essential services. PAH responded immediately and, together with International Humanitarian Relief, established six collective centers in northwestern Syria for 60 displaced families. Months have passed since the earthquake and affected communities are still in need of long-term recovery and help. That is why PAH and IHR are implementing a project that will support rebuilding of livelihoods of local population in two phases:

  1. Vocational trainings to increase skills in preparation of business proposals, budgets, improving communication skills, etc.
  2. Cash grants to start or expand businesses of local individuals so they can generate their own income.

The trainings will take place in real working conditions and prepare the participants for the workforce with hands-on experience. The writing business proposals workshop will focus on the sustainability of their business and generating a stable income.

Grants will be distributed in 3 tranches; the amount of money depends on the needs and a kind of enterprise each beneficiary is undertaking. The money will be used to purchase any necessary tools and equipment needed to successfully run their businesses. Those grants will be tailored to the specific needs of chosen families. They will contribute, in the long run, to economic stability of the families.

The support will reach 60 families (300 individuals).

Duration of the project: 15th November 2023 – 15th May 2024
Location: governorate: Idlib, district: Harem, subdistrict: Dana; governorate: Idlib, district: Afrin, subdistrict: Jandairis; governorate: Aleppo, district: Afrin, subdistrict Sharan; Syria
Donor: PAH own funds
Implementing partner: International Humanitarian Relief

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