As part of the project, PAH operates 11 territorial centers in Dnipropetrovska, Kyivska, Mykolaivska and Kharkivska oblasts in Ukraine, where PAH staff provide psychosocial support to elderly people struggling with psychological problems and social isolation.

We also carry out repairs to private homes and institutions in Chernihivska and Kyivska oblasts. In winter, we delivered kits with non-food items such as blankets, mattresses and towels, as well as firewood and generators to individuals and institutions that were very much in need.

10,000 people will receive support from us, in the form of packages of food products covering their monthly caloric needs. We will also provide cash assistance, covering 3 months’ needs, which will go to 5,400 of the people most in need.

As part of the project the Emergency Response Team was established. It is reaching out with food, hygiene and cash aid to those affected by shelling in eastern and southern Ukraine.

Capacity-building support targeted at 5 local aid organizations will complement the project, Within that framework we will provide workshops, as well as long-term coaching and consultation, enabling those organizations to apply for their own aid grants in the future.

As part of our activities, 11,480 people will receive assistance.

Project duration: 1st August 2023 – 31st May 2024
Location: Kyivska, Dnipropetrovska, Kharkivska, Khersonska, Mykolaivska, Odeska, Zaporizka, Donetska, Sumska, Chernihivska oblasts; Ukraine
Donor: PAH’s own funds

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