Since 2018 – Somalia
Project duration:
since 2018

The Humanitarian Cluster Approach is the United Nations’ key strategy seeking to improve the coordination of actions across organizations and fill the gaps in humanitarian assistance. The aim of this approach is to strengthen humanitarian interventions by setting up high standards of predictability, accountability and partnership in all sectors or areas of activity.


The UN has designated global cluster (sector) lead agencies in key areas of activity, while determining that the cluster approach should be applied at the national level.

Based on PAH’s long-standing experience in providing assistance in water, sanitation and hygiene, the organization has gained recognition as one of the leaders in this field in Somalia. Since 2018, PAH has been acting as an agency co-coordinating the water, sanitation and hygiene sector (cluster) across Somalia. In addition, we employ a contact person for the sub-sector in Middle Shabelle state and a sector representative in Galmudug State.


In Somalia, the WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) cluster covers all of Somalia except for Somaliland. The coordinator of this sector is UNICEF, with PAH acting as co-coordinator.


As part of the project, we are contributing to the coordination of water, sanitation and hygiene assistance across Somalia (except Somaliland) in line with the humanitarian response plans. Since 2022, PAH has also been supporting the coordination of the water, sanitation and hygiene sector at the state level in two (of the six) Somali states.


Our role includes, among others:

  • supporting organizations providing water, sanitation and hygiene assistance,
  • planning and development of strategies,
  • monitoring and reporting on the implementation of strategies and the effects of WASH interventions,
  • recommending corrective actions where necessary,
  • contingency planning in situations where there is a high risk of recurring or significant new disaster,
  • promoting all aspects of responsibility towards the population affected by the crisis.


PAH was assigned this role because of its operational capacity in addressing crisis situations in Somalia and its widely recognized expertise and technical knowledge.

Duration of the project: since 2018

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