For schoolsBACK

let's educate together

Would you like to know how to teach others about humanitarian aid and people who have been affected by a humanitarian crisis and are badly in need of help? Would you like to better understand global interdependence in the modern world? Would you like to learn how to put your empathy into action?

Take advantage of our educational offer! We can recommend to you some concrete forms of involvement, depending on whether you are a teacher, a student or an individual person who wants to know more and wants to act effectively. We collaborate mainly with schools (at all levels), but all interested parties are also welcome to join. Are you a student? Tell your teachers about our offer!

We have for you ready ideas and scenarios: debates, field games, information campaigns and fundraising events. Together with us, you will broaden your knowledge about: humanitarian aid, access to safe drinking water and sanitation, access to education and food, global peace and global interdependence.

Help together with PAH

The easiest and most flexible form of support is to enter your school or informal group for the “Niosę Pomoc” (I Bring Help) campaign. Using free materials and maintaining regular contact, you can get involved in assistance activities in five campaigns: Akcja Edukacja (Operation Education), Zróbmy Pokój (Let’s Make Peace), Świat bez Głodu (World Without Hunger), Studnia dla Południa (A Well For The South), Zamiast Kwiatka Niosę Pomoc (I Bring Help Instead Of Flowers).

Use our library of materials

We make available to you, free of charge, our Toolbox, various publications and dozens of scenarios of lessons, games and school activities. You can also use our e-learning courses and watch videos which are available on our YouTube channel.

Take part in educational programmes

If you want to learn more about the scope of our activities, we can recommend to you our educational programmes. For a dozen or so years, we have been running a one-year programme for secondary schools – the Humanitarian School. Younger children can meet us at the Positive Primary School in Gdańsk, where we are running a six-year global education programme. We have also joined the Schools For Future Youth international project.

Join us individually

You can join our teams of volunteers in Toruń, Warsaw or Cracow, who help us conduct workshops in schools. Every year, we invite all interested parties to join the GLEN programme, which provides international training in the countries of the Global South, as well as opportunities for engaging in global education activities on return.

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