OCTOBER – Janina Ochojska talks about the tragedy of Bosnians in Sarajevo, besieged by Serbs. After the broadcast, people willing to help organize the convoy come forward.
NOVEMBER – In Warsaw, a collection of gifts for the residents of Sarajevo from private individuals and companies is underway. The Polish EquiLibre Foundation collects food, clothing, tents and blankets
DECEMBER – The Warsaw branch of the Polish EquiLibre Foundation is established. EquiLibre gets its first place at Miodowa Street from the Mayor of Warsaw, Stanisław Wyganowski.
DECEMBER 26 – The EquiLibre Foundation sends the first convoy from Poland to besieged Sarajevo. Twelve trucks are on the Peace Convoy, carrying, among other things, food, medicines, clothes and blankets. A dozen or so journalists take part in it.
FEBRUARY 24 – The EquiLibre Foundation sends four trucks with blankets, medicines, and food to Sarajevo. On the way back, the convoy is fired upon. A French woman, Chantal Godinot, is killed, and two Polish drivers are injured.
MARCH/APRIL – The EquiLibre Foundation sends two more convoys to the Balkans. Medical and food aid is going to Belgrade and Pristina.
MAY 14 – Janina Ochojska receives the Medal of St. George, an award granted by the readers and the environment of Tygodnik Powszechny “for struggling with evil and stubbornly building good in social life to people who show special sensitivity to poverty, harm, injustice – and express this sensitivity in deeds”.
JULY 31 – As part of the international aid campaign “Mir Sada” (“Peace Now”), the EquiLibre Foundation sends a convoy of 20 trucks to Sarajevo, carrying 400 tons of food, medicine and cleaning products. The action is publicized in the media, and many well-known people from the world of media and politics take part in the convoy itself.
SEPTEMBER – The EquiLibre Foundation sends convoys with medical aid to clinics and clinics in Belgrade and Kosovo.
OCTOBER 1 – Thanks to UNHCR grants, EquiLibre creates a Refugee Assistance Center in Warsaw. It will provide social, medical and legal assistance, as well as aid in getting a job, housing or education.
NOVEMBER–DECEMBER – The EquiLibre Foundation conducts an educational campaign in Warsaw schools, teaching children that even the smallest aid is important.
DECEMBER 2 – Janina Ochojska is elected Woman of Europe 1993 by representatives of the European Union and journalists.
JANUARY 23 – A convoy carrying 62 tons of medicines, food and cleaning products leaves for Belgrade and Sarajevo. This is the first convoy in four months to enter the besieged city.
MARCH–APRIL – Two more convoys with medical aid arrive in the Balkans. Among the recipients of aid are both Serbs and Bosnians.
JUNE 1 – The EquiLibre Foundation and the “Nasz Dom” Association co-organize the Children’s Parliament in the Polish Parliament. Children pass an appeal for peace in the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
JUNE 5 – The first convoy with the logo of the Polish Humanitarian Action leaves for Sarajevo. Its participants give the victims of the war, among other things, over 5000 postcards with the Dove of Peace signed by Polish children.
AUGUST 17 – The reconnaissance convoy reaches Kazakhstan and the Poles living there. Its participants are establishing contacts that are to help in future humanitarian actions.
SEPTEMBER 4 – Departure of the convoy with medical aid to hospitals in Kokchetava and Karaganda in Kazakhstan.
OCTOBER 23 – A convoy under the banner of the Polish Humanitarian Action sets off with the Peace Parcels prepared by scouts to Sarajevo. On the way back, it is fired upon. The car in which Janina Ochojska and Tomasz Wilk are driving falls into the abyss. After a short stay in the hospital, they both return to the convoy.
DECEMBER 20 – Over 2000 Christmas parcels arrive by air to Poles in Kazakhstan.
DECEMBER 28 – The Foundation appeals to Poles to sign the Sarajevo Declaration of the Free and United City.