become a volunteerback

Would you like to become a PAH volunteer and learn what it is like to work for a humanitarian organisation? Or maybe you have got some time to spare and you would like to share your skills with us?

We invite you to collaborate with us! If you want to join the team of our volunteers, please read the following information carefully. The offer of voluntary cooperation is aimed mainly at people living in Warsaw, Cracow or Toruń (unless you are a professional, e.g. a translator or a graphic designer, and you can contact PAH solely via the Internet).

By its very nature, voluntary service does not require a “full-time” involvement, but it is time-consuming. Think how much time you can really dedicate and do not take up activities which you might not be able to handle. We usually expect PAH volunteers to be able to devote at least one day per week to their work.

Every form of cooperation with PAH requires different kinds of skills. It is important for you to think what exactly you could do and – not less importantly – what you would like to do. The co-operation will be mutually advantageous only if, at its very beginning, we manage to successfully combine your competence and interests with the Foundation’s actual needs. Therefore you must make yourself thoroughly acquainted with the information on our website concerning the various departments and the programmes we are currently involved in.

What are the rules of co-operation?

All volunteers are asked to sign a volunteering agreement with PAH, which specifies, among others, the duration of co-operation, the type of services provided under a specific programme or project, as well as the minimum time the volunteer pledges to devote to co-operation with PAH. The volunteer works under the guidance of an individual tutor who, at the volunteer’s request, issues a certificate proving that the holder was indeed a volunteer with PAH.

Who can become a PAH volunteer?

The Polish Humanitarian Action is guided by the principle of creating equal opportunities. Everyone can become a volunteer with our Foundation. In our volunteer job descriptions, we always try to clearly define the profile of the volunteers we are looking for. If you want to support us with your skills, you can always send your application to

I would like to go to Africa. Can I go on a mission?

Only our employees go on missions. We encourage you to follow our job offers or familiarise yourself with the GLEN internship programme.

Can I work as a volunteer only in the PAH office?

Volunteers do a lot of different things. Not everyone works permanently in the office. Many people carry out their tasks remotely (e.g. translating, graphic design). It all depends on your arrangements with the tutor and the type of the job.

Can I carry out my student internship or practical placement as part of my voluntary service?

Student internships and practical placements are different from volunteering and require a different approach. For more information, please email us at:

Can I work as a volunteer only in Warsaw?

The Polish Humanitarian Action has its offices in three cities: Warsaw, Toruń and Cracow. Any inquiries about volunteering elsewhere than Warsaw should be sent directly to the regional office.

Am I covered by insurance?

As required by applicable laws, we sign volunteering agreements with all our volunteers. Under such an agreement, each volunteer is covered by accident insurance if he/she is in the process of performing services for PAH.

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