Co-operation during a humanitarian crisisback

In the summer of 2015, Rossmann Supermarkety Drogeryjne Polska Sp. z o.o. donated to us proceeds from the sale of a special T-shirt emblazoned with the inscription “#SOS Nepal”. We used the donated funds to help the Nepalese who suffered from the disastrous earthquake in April 2015.

The publishing company Wydawnictwo Podatkowe GOFIN Sp. z o.o. sends in regular donations to finance immediate aid in the event of a humanitarian crisis. In 2014, we used these funds to renovate two schools damaged in a flood in the Balkans. In 2015, this firm supported our activities in Nepal, and in December 2016 it made a donation to help Syrians fleeing Aleppo.

You can become our partner and pledge to send in fixed donations in the event of a humanitarian crisis. Such co-operation enables us to provide immediate humanitarian aid at the very onset of the crisis, as well as to plan long-term campaigns.

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