Dorota Heidrich PhDback

Since 2004 assistant professor at the Institute of International Relations (IRR), University of Warsaw, since October 2016 – Deputy Director of the IRR. In 2011-2015 advisor to the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm. Since 2010 serves as the IRR’s representative in the cooperation with the International HumanDoc Film Festival “Global Development in Cinema”. Graduate of the IRR and of the Institute of Regional and Global Studies University of Warsaw, earned her PhD in Humanities in the field of Political Science in 2004 from the University of Warsaw. Main research areas include: forced migration (with special attention to IDPs); international criminal justice; transitional justice; international organizations (governmental and non – governmental). Author and co-author of International protection of internally displaced persons. Legal aspects and practice, Warsaw 2005; The Legacy of Crimes and Crises. Transitional Justice, Domestic Change and the Role of the International Community (with K. Bachmann) Peter Lang 2016, as well as other publications on forced migration, criminal justice, international organizations.

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