employee involvementback

The employees of CISCO Systems Poland Sp. z o.o. get engaged, on a corporate volunteering basis, in PAH’s local activities in Cracow. For instance, they help during events organised by PAH (one of the most recent events was an outdoor photographic exhibition), they participate in integrative events during which funds are raised to support PAH’s activities, or they co-ordinate some particular programmes in co-operation with us. Furthermore, they log every hour of their voluntary work for PAH, and they can also make their own donations. In recognition of their involvement and motivation, the company runs a match funding scheme, adding to their donations to maximise funds. Very popular among CISCO’s staff is the annual “Giving Tuesday” online event. As CISCO’s partner organisation, PAH, along with its fans, successfully retweets “Giving Tuesday” posts on Twitter. Each retweet is rewarded with $1.

To support PAH’s activities, Nestle, Deloitte and ING Bank Śląski send in regular donations under a payroll giving scheme, on the basis of written declarations signed by their employees. GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. z o.o. donated to the Pajacyk Programme funds raised by its employees during a corporate run.

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