Camp management
What is the management of camps for displaced persons? What is the PHA doing in this regard?
Camp management

Natural disasters and armed conflicts often leave people homeless. Sometimes their homes are destroyed, and sometimes the region in which they live is no longer safe for them. For people who have lost all their belongings, a camp is often the only place where they can find shelter, access to water or toilets and other basic services.


Camps are not a substitute for a home, but properly managed they can become a safe temporary shelter for those who find themselves in them. However, to ensure their proper functioning their require the cooperation of many parties, including their residents, local organisations and humanitarian organisations.

Why do people live in camps?

In 2024, an estimated 107.5 million people worldwide are refugees. The reasons why people have to leave their homes and live in camps are often very complex. However, among the most common reasons for abandoning their homes are:

  • conflicts,
  • the consequences of the climate crisis,
  • natural disasters,
  • human rights violations and persecution.


The vast majority of people who abandon their homes do not cross their country’s borders – these are known as internally displaced people (IDPs). 


We carry out activities in camps for people with refugee experience, including internally displaced people – i.e. those who have left their home but have not crossed the border of their country.


We coordinate the assistance delivered there so that it is effective and responsive to current needs. To this end, we provide and ensure smooth communication with other aid organisations. This is particularly important in the context of the diverse needs of the population.


To ensure the smooth functioning of the refugee camps:
– we coordinate the assistance provided to the people who are staying there
– we ensure communication with other aid organisations

How can you help?

Your donation can bring relief to those who have lost their homes. Supporting Polish Humanitarian Action means providing necessities of life, basic infrastructure and coordinating the aid provided. Donate to PAH:

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