Disaster risk reduction
What is disaster risk reduction? What is PAH doing in this regard?
What is disaster risk reduction?

Disaster risk reduction activities make communities more resilient to the crises they may face. Today, they are often in response to events resulting from climate change, such as the increasingly frequent and prolonged periods of drought faced by people in certain regions of the world and the associated food shortages.


Disaster risk reduction is about identifying the dangers that a community may face and developing actions to mitigate their effects before a disaster strikes. This kind of action strengthens the community’s agency and its independence from humanitarian aid.


We carry out community-driven activities to mitigate the effects of climate change, including food security. We support small farmers, which contributes to improving their production and the income generated by the cooperatives in which they are affiliated.


We are introducing new methods of collecting and saving water, which is essential for, among other things, growing food and raising animals but also for drinking, cooking and daily hygiene.


We also provide training to local authorities on climate change mitigation and disaster risk.


To reduce the risk of disasters:

  • we support small farmers and the operation of agricultural cooperatives to increase their food production capacity. We supply seeds, provide special irrigation systems, provide training in efficient crop and animal husbandry methods, as well as in business and marketing
  • we provide access to water by building sand dams, wells and water distribution systems and sanitation infrastructure in schools
  • we set up hydroponic systems in schools
  • we train local authorities in disaster risk reduction
  • we provide tree seedlings to reduce ongoing deforestation

How can you help?

Modern farming methods, infrastructure and training can prevent or reduce future disasters. Your support helps communities strengthen their resilience to crises and the effects of climate change. Together we can build a more resilient and sustainable future! Donate to PAH:

Direct donation:
Tell us how we can work even more efficiently. Establish cooperation with us. Let's realize a project together!
e-mail: pah@pah.org.pl
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