Financial aid
What does financial support consist of? How does PAH deliver this kind of support?

Financial aid is a direct form of support that empowers people in need. It allows those who receive it to buy what they need most at the time or to pay for necessary expenses such as rent, medication, or transport. 


Why is financial support a good solution?

– reaches those most in need

– responds to current, often diverse needs


Financial aid is a form of assistance that we direct, among others, to internally displaced persons and refugees. This type of assistance allows them to stock up on the most essential products and cover the most urgent costs.  We implement assistance card programmes with financial resources. We also provide financial support for the renovation of homes that have been damaged. 


To provide access to financial aid, among other things:

  • we provide multifunctional financial assistance
  • we run assistance card programmes
  • we provide financial support for house renovations

How can you help?

Conflicts, natural disasters, the consequences of climate change – these are situations that bring with them many needs. Your support allows us to reach those who need help the most. Join us and help us help. Donate to PAH:

Direct donation:
Tell us how we can operate even more efficiently. Cooperate with us. Let's work on the project together!
telefon: 22 828 88 82
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