Access to food
What are the challenges of food access and what is PAH doing about them?
Access to food

Natural disasters and armed conflicts have a direct impact on access to food. Regardless of whether one lives in a drought-affected area or has left his or her home fleeing from an armed conflict – a food shortage poses a grave threat to health and life. 

Where does the food shortage problem come from?

Main sources of the food shortage problem include: 

  1. Climate change:
     Weather event are getting more and more violent, destroying  livelihoods and reducing the quality and volumes of food production. In many regions, droughts make it impossible to grow crops and raise animals.
  2. Socio-economic conditions:
    The people living in poverty often cannot afford to feed either themselves or those close to them.
  3. Armed conflicts:
     Warfare destroys infrastructure and disrupts the supply and food chains. They also force people to flee from the areas where they previously could feed themselves.
  4. Global inequities:
     There’s more food produced in the world than is required to feed every single human being on our planet.  However, the food is not directed to all those in need of it, sometimes due to political decisions. Additional inequalities exist in communities at the local level: the marginalization of different groups of people includes access to food.
  5. Natural disasters:
    Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, making their impact on access to food more drastic. Natural disasters also destroy infrastructure and food production conditions years ahead.



We distribute food parcels and provide financial support. By doing so, we not only take care of the health and safety of our beneficiaries, but we support regional entrepreneurship and employment for the local community. This is very important to us. We also provide access to meals for children in schools and day care centres.


We support agricultural development in countries experiencing the effects of climate change. There we provide access to water, distribute agricultural tools and seeds. We train in new methods of plant cultivation and build gardens with hydroponic crops.


To provide access to food, among other things:

  • we distribute food parcels
  • we provide financial support for the purchase of food
  • we provide irrigation systems, training and support in plant cultivation
  • we provide meals for children in schools

How can you help?

We know that when an unexpected disaster paralyzes a community, immediate response is paramount. Your donation is food, water, shelter and other necessities for sudden crises. Help us give a chance for a better tomorrow. Donate to PAH:

Direct donation:
Tell us how we can operate even more efficiently. Cooperate with us. Let's work on the project together!
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